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Countries Weather App
Check any countries weather and get little information about the country itself. This weather app is created with React and used 2 external API.

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Beer API App
Beer selection where you can filter out beer by Alchohol Vol on Hoppiness. Created with Vanilla Javascript.

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Random Joke Generator
Simple random joke generator using external API. Created with Vanilla Javascript.


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Snake Game
Vintage Nokia 3310 snake-game build with Vanilla Javascript.

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Another vintage game build entirely with Vanilla Javascript.


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Hyper-local plant sharing platform - unites plant lover community in Berlin. Everyone can freely exchange, swap or sell their beloved plants. Built with Ruby on Rails. Postgresql is used for Database. AJAX for live messaging.

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Your Story by Ovidijus

Wedding Photography page - built with Ruby on Rails for a local artist. Action Mailer used for a direct reach with photographer.

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Plant rental platform - AirBnB clone built in one week with Ruby on Rails.